

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New opportunities, new partnerships!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the inaugural blogspot edition of the Asia Business Corridor (ABC).

ABC is as simple as it sounds but carries a meaningful focus. This is a platform for opportunities, knowledge, cultural exchange and philanthrophic activities.

ABC is a useful platform for government agencies, NGOs, SMEs and budding entrepreneurs - and is more than a blog or portal. We have an integrated suite of off-line advisory helpdesks, systems to assess market risks, business roadmapping for international plans and training courses for those who dare to venture abroad.

When you want to explore business opportunities in the region, you need to have a lot of information, contacts, guidance, toolkits and a good understanding of the foreign markets.

Most importantly, you need to have a good sense of your current situation and your business priorities - so that the information that you obtain can be customised to suit your circumstances.

For November's issue, we would like to cover the following key themes:

1) what credit guarantee means for government agencies
2) tender opportunities in the international market, particularly in the areas of infrastructure/construction, IT and services.
3) top issues for SMEs in the region and what it means for 2011
4) consulting opportunities for subject matter experts in the region
5) calling all business people to help the needy! Paying it forward...

So enjoy surfing - and power to the business people!


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